
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Echoes - A Scratch Project

This is my Scratch project I made called
Echoes. Click the green flag to
start the animation.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Fun Maths Question #13


This is my maths question
that I made. The answer is
on the next slide.

Monday, November 22, 2021

What Makes a Good Friend? (Canva)

We talked about what makes a good
friend, and here is my Canva presentation on it.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Maths Animation #2


This is my second maths animation. It is
like the first.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Minecraft Spacecraft

 Our tech teacher challenged us to make a Spacecraft in Minecraft, then make a movie about it. Our Spacecraft is destined to travel to Mars. We made it out of blue concrete, orange concrete, and lots of other materials used for the things inside. We also used grey stained glass for the tip. I worked with Travis. We worked decently well together. I found making the legs and the launchpad the hardest. I liked how we put turrets on the sides of the rocket that shot fireballs. Here is the video of our rocket:

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Maths Animation


This is my maths animation. It uses slides to animate. Click the screen to go to the next slide.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Brushing Your Teeth


This is my  brushing your teeth poster that I made with my friend Travis.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Getting Rickrolled - A Scratch Project


Rickroll is a meme that people made up.
Click the green flag to start the animation.

Skydiving - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project I made called
Skydiving. Click the green flag to start it.

Design your character on scratch!


Click the green buttons
to change things on your character!

Clothes Shopping - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project that I made.
Click the green flag yo start it.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Alex Rider: Mission Briefing

This is my mission briefing for Alex Rider.
(A character in a book we are reading)


Fun Maths Question #13


This is my maths problem.
The awnser is on the next slide.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Underwater Adventure - My Writing

 The hazy, blue, lukewarm water ripples past me, as I dive down into the depths of the Pacific ocean. I had jumped off a boat to get down here. Let's hope I didn't do this for nothing. I hear the other crew members jump in and dive down with me. We’re looking for an old statue, lost, from an underwater city called Telumba.

A glint in the water catches my eye. An old ruby necklace, wedged under a piece of coral. But that’s not what we’re here for. I need to focus on the current mission. Finding the lost underwater statue. We keep searching for hours, but still find nothing. I was starting to lose hope. Then, I see something. Old, crumbling stone. I think we’ve finally found what we’re looking for. I signal to the other divers to say that I’ve found it.

Then, I wake up in bed. It was all a dream. I think of the amazing time I had swimming in the ocean. I eat breakfast, and head off to work. Today is my test to see if I can become a scuba diving teacher at my real diving work. I take the test. The questions are hard, but I use the knowledge that I learned from my dream to pass! 


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Fun Maths Question #12

This is my
maths problem.
The awnser is
on the next slide.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Fun Maths Question #11


This is my maths
problem that I made.
The awnser is on
the next slide.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Fun Maths Question #10

This is my
maths question that
I made. The awnser
is on the next slide.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Bottle Flipping - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project that
I made called Bottle Flipping.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Cricket - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project
I made, called Cricket.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Seven Sentence Story

 Once upon a time there was a beautiful young woman with long straight blonde hair and glistening sky blue eyes. She lives in a modern seaside resort in the depths of Cannes, France. The thing is, when she touches things, they turn into diamond! (She can toggle this power). One day, she went to get a bagguette, but forgot to turn her powers off... She didn't realize that her powers were still on, so for now, she felt quite relaxed. Then when she went to buy the bagguette, she accidently turned it into diamond! So she gave the diamond bagguette back to the guy, toggled off her powers, and the guy gave her a new bagguette.

Monday, September 27, 2021

RAN SUN (My Mum)

 This is my character description on Ran Sun (my mum) (Below).

Despite my mum not working, she spends lots of her time cooking healthy, tasty, foods, like bread and sushi. She has long, straight black hair and beautiful huge brown eyes. She smells like fresh new clothes and wears glasses the colour of the night sky. She wears her glasses when she goes out and doesn't wear them much when I see her. My mum and dad have split up and I live with my dad now, and I only see my mum on the weekends.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Settling on Kepler-452b 1


This is my slideshow
about Kepler-452b.
You can have a look.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Fun Maths Question #9


This is my maths
question. To see
the awnser, just
click the screen.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Scammed - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project
I made called "Scammed".
It's about a guy called
Fierce_Pob who gets scammed
on the internet by a pesky
advert. (There is sound).
To start it, just click the
green flag.

The Fridge - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project
I made called "The Fridge"
It's about a guy who wraps
up his chocolate and puts
it in the fridge, but another person
comes and steals the chocolate
out of the fridge. (There is sound).
To start it just click
the green flag and it will start.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Electrocuted - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project that
I made. It's about a guy who gets
electrocuted by another person!
To start the animation click the
green flag. (There is sound).

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Spicy Food - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project
called Spicy Food. It's about
a guy called Fierce_Pob (My
username) who eats a pepper
thingy and then he breathes fire!
To start the animation click
the green flag.

Friday, August 27, 2021



This is my story about
helicopters. I made it using
a Google document. Click the
picture for better graphics.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Water Cycle Animation


This is my animation about the
water cycle, it shows all of
the stages of the water cycle/

Monday, August 9, 2021

Fun Maths Question #8


This is my maths problem.
The awnser is on the
next slide.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The History of New Zealand


Some big things in New Zealand have happened in the last 1000 years, some of which this text includes: Early Polynesian Migration to New Zealand, The Treaty of Waitang being signed, and more!

The Early Polynesians arrived in New Zealand within rthe years 1270 - 1300. They used the wind, stars, sea swells, moon, sun, and birds to help them navigat to New Zealand. They came to New Zealand for more land. They came here on double hulled vaka (conoes).

William Hobson wrote the Treaty of Waitangi in English. Henry Williams translated the Treaty into Maori. The Treaty was signed in 1840. The English and Maori versions of the treaty are both different.

This paragraph includes The Early European Settlers. The Early European Settlers had to build their own houses. The men did outside work and the women did inside work. They had to wash their clothes in a creek. The men shot bunnies and rode horses while the women did chores inside

All these amazing events have helped shape the wonderful place we live in now.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Fun Maths Question #7


This is my maths question
I made at school. The awnser
is on the next slide.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Fun Maths Question #6


This is my maths question
that I made. The awnser
is on the next slide.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Would You Rather Be The Leader of a colony On Another Planet Or Be The Leader of A Small Country On Earth? (School Quickwrite)

 I would rather be the leader of a small country on earth, because if I was the leader of a colony on another planet, how would I know if they liked it, I mean, they would have to make babies and stuff, so yeah... What would you choose?

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Fun Maths Question #5


This is my maths question
that I made. The awnser
is on the next slide

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Fun Maths Question #4


This is my maths
question that I made. It says
"What is 13x11?". The awnser
is on the next slide.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Morning Mood Song


This is my song called Morning
Mood. I copied it onto chrome
music lab.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Queen Victoria Interview

This is my interview featuring Queen
Victoria. I did it with Salmaan. I am Queen
Victoria and salmaan is the interviewer.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The First People To Discover New Zealand


Here Is an animation about the early
Polynesian settlers. The guy at the
front is called Kupe, and the girl is
his wife.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Another School Quickwrite

 If I could be famous for anything

I would be famous for being an

actor, because I like acting, and

i'm pretty good at it. I have made

two decent movies, and been the

director in a play, so that is why

I think I would be a famous actor.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Early Settlers Documentary


This is my documentary about
early European settlers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

My school quickrwrite

I would rather be able to fly, because if I

could fly I would be able to get to school as quick

as lightning, (by flying) and I could go as high as I

wanted, breathing under-water is cool, but flying

is cooler! Litteraly, I believe I can fly!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Fun maths question 3

This is my 3rd maths
question. The awnser is
on the next slide

Thursday, May 20, 2021

New Zealand Immigration Poster

I made this poster because it
shows how an old immigration
poster used to look

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Another maths question

 This is my maths question. The

awnser is on the next slide.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Fun Maths Question


Can you solve this tricky maths question?
Go to the next slide for the awnser.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What's your favourite TV show?

My question is what is your favourite
TV show. I asked it because I wanted
to know what TV shows people like.
I gathered my data using This Sheet.
I learnt that the majority of the people
chose other.

Friday, May 7, 2021

ANZAC day letter to home


This is my letter to home saying
how i've been at war
(Obviously not really been at war)

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Super speed


This is my super speed story.

My Belongings


I put these slides here because
they are all the places that I belong,
plus me.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Minecraft Self-Portrait


A chicken invaded the build!

These are some logs!

And the pond of water!

My finished self-portrait.

Here it is blown up!

That is my Minecraft self-portrait!

Minecraft Monster Mashup

 This is my Minecraft mash up monster! I made it with Salmaan and Travis. It is a Wither with a Creeper body, Spider Legs, Ender dragon                            wings, and 3 tails!

Friday, March 5, 2021

Duck story


This is the Duck story!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

My Pepeha


When I learnt my Pepeha I learnt that my mountain, Bugaksan is very special to me.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

All about me!

 This is all about me!