
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Fridge - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project
I made called "The Fridge"
It's about a guy who wraps
up his chocolate and puts
it in the fridge, but another person
comes and steals the chocolate
out of the fridge. (There is sound).
To start it just click
the green flag and it will start.


  1. Hi Leon, Another very entertaining animation. I really liked the sound effects you included. How long does it take you to make these?

    1. This one took me multiple days, but some of them only take about an hour.

  2. Hi Leon, I think this story is told very well and your sound and animations are better than ever. I would be really upset if someone stole my chocolate. Where do you get your project ideas?

    1. Sometimes I just think of them, and normally I get ideas from people I know.


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