
Monday, September 27, 2021

RAN SUN (My Mum)

 This is my character description on Ran Sun (my mum) (Below).

Despite my mum not working, she spends lots of her time cooking healthy, tasty, foods, like bread and sushi. She has long, straight black hair and beautiful huge brown eyes. She smells like fresh new clothes and wears glasses the colour of the night sky. She wears her glasses when she goes out and doesn't wear them much when I see her. My mum and dad have split up and I live with my dad now, and I only see my mum on the weekends.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leon
    I think your mum is very cool. She isn't "average", "normal". She doesn't follow the crowd. She would have made a great rock star.
    Aunty Helen


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