
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Spicy Food - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project
called Spicy Food. It's about
a guy called Fierce_Pob (My
username) who eats a pepper
thingy and then he breathes fire!
To start the animation click
the green flag.


  1. Hi Leon, Poppa and I are very impressed with your Scratch skills. The animation was very expressive. I liked the way he reacted to eating the pepper. Poppa says "can you make flames come out of his ears as well?"

  2. Hello leon, I think that is an amazing animation, Maybe you could put some of your other games on your blog, Next time maybe you could make it a little bit longer. Goodbye Now!

  3. Hi Leon,
    you (Fierce_Pob) are a bit of a master at design using Scratch. This is exactly what happens to me when I eat very spicy food. Well done Leon, I would also love to see more of your creations.

  4. Hi Leon, Your animation is so entertaining. I watched it several times.
    I think Fierce_Pob needs a friend you breathes out water or ice to put out his fire. This could be an idea for your next animation.


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