
Thursday, July 8, 2021

The History of New Zealand


Some big things in New Zealand have happened in the last 1000 years, some of which this text includes: Early Polynesian Migration to New Zealand, The Treaty of Waitang being signed, and more!

The Early Polynesians arrived in New Zealand within rthe years 1270 - 1300. They used the wind, stars, sea swells, moon, sun, and birds to help them navigat to New Zealand. They came to New Zealand for more land. They came here on double hulled vaka (conoes).

William Hobson wrote the Treaty of Waitangi in English. Henry Williams translated the Treaty into Maori. The Treaty was signed in 1840. The English and Maori versions of the treaty are both different.

This paragraph includes The Early European Settlers. The Early European Settlers had to build their own houses. The men did outside work and the women did inside work. They had to wash their clothes in a creek. The men shot bunnies and rode horses while the women did chores inside

All these amazing events have helped shape the wonderful place we live in now.

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