
Friday, August 27, 2021



This is my story about
helicopters. I made it using
a Google document. Click the
picture for better graphics.


  1. Kia ora Leon, this is a wonderful piece of writing. You have provided a great introduction which made me want to know more. Your writing also contained so many well researched facts and a powerful summary at the end. It would be great if you could post a few images on your blog of the different types of helicopters, I am interested to know what they look like.

  2. Hi Leon,
    What a great, informative piece of writing! I like how you have used technical language and thought about the way each sentence is structured. Are helicopters specifically designed for certain jobs? E.g. firefighting. And what other roles do they play in our society and workforce?
    I can't wait to read your next piece!

  3. Hi Leon,
    wow for a minute I though I was reading an article in Wonderopalis! I really enjoyed the introduction, it certainly made me read on. And when I did read on, I learned heaps. Are you really interested in helicopters? Have you ever been for a ride in a helicopter?


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