
Friday, October 29, 2021

Underwater Adventure - My Writing

 The hazy, blue, lukewarm water ripples past me, as I dive down into the depths of the Pacific ocean. I had jumped off a boat to get down here. Let's hope I didn't do this for nothing. I hear the other crew members jump in and dive down with me. We’re looking for an old statue, lost, from an underwater city called Telumba.

A glint in the water catches my eye. An old ruby necklace, wedged under a piece of coral. But that’s not what we’re here for. I need to focus on the current mission. Finding the lost underwater statue. We keep searching for hours, but still find nothing. I was starting to lose hope. Then, I see something. Old, crumbling stone. I think we’ve finally found what we’re looking for. I signal to the other divers to say that I’ve found it.

Then, I wake up in bed. It was all a dream. I think of the amazing time I had swimming in the ocean. I eat breakfast, and head off to work. Today is my test to see if I can become a scuba diving teacher at my real diving work. I take the test. The questions are hard, but I use the knowledge that I learned from my dream to pass! 


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