
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Seven Sentence Story

 Once upon a time there was a beautiful young woman with long straight blonde hair and glistening sky blue eyes. She lives in a modern seaside resort in the depths of Cannes, France. The thing is, when she touches things, they turn into diamond! (She can toggle this power). One day, she went to get a bagguette, but forgot to turn her powers off... She didn't realize that her powers were still on, so for now, she felt quite relaxed. Then when she went to buy the bagguette, she accidently turned it into diamond! So she gave the diamond bagguette back to the guy, toggled off her powers, and the guy gave her a new bagguette.

Monday, September 27, 2021

RAN SUN (My Mum)

 This is my character description on Ran Sun (my mum) (Below).

Despite my mum not working, she spends lots of her time cooking healthy, tasty, foods, like bread and sushi. She has long, straight black hair and beautiful huge brown eyes. She smells like fresh new clothes and wears glasses the colour of the night sky. She wears her glasses when she goes out and doesn't wear them much when I see her. My mum and dad have split up and I live with my dad now, and I only see my mum on the weekends.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Settling on Kepler-452b 1


This is my slideshow
about Kepler-452b.
You can have a look.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Fun Maths Question #9


This is my maths
question. To see
the awnser, just
click the screen.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Scammed - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project
I made called "Scammed".
It's about a guy called
Fierce_Pob who gets scammed
on the internet by a pesky
advert. (There is sound).
To start it, just click the
green flag.

The Fridge - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project
I made called "The Fridge"
It's about a guy who wraps
up his chocolate and puts
it in the fridge, but another person
comes and steals the chocolate
out of the fridge. (There is sound).
To start it just click
the green flag and it will start.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Electrocuted - A Scratch Project


This is my Scratch project that
I made. It's about a guy who gets
electrocuted by another person!
To start the animation click the
green flag. (There is sound).