
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Did you ever

 Did you ever

Go to flip-out?

People bouncing

Guns shooting

Heads sweating.

It's exciting!

Did you ever

Go to inflatable world?

Air blowing

Inflatables bouncing

Backs sliding.

Come try it!

haikus link        limericks link


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Leon! I love the way you used good verbs and I loved the way you did a very good job of summing it up. Next time you could add some pictures. What poem are you going to do next?

    1. I will add more pictures next time, thanks

  3. Your poems are exciting, Leon. I haven't been to flip-out. Where are the guns there? Inflatable World could use your poem as an advertisement, it's very descriptive. I look forward to reading your next poem.


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